Baby vs. Fireworks

Preface: Happy Independence Day (yesterday)! Here’s my Wednesday post a day late in recognition of the holiday.

Cooper enjoyed his first Fourth of July last night. We got him some earmuffs to quiet the sound of the fireworks, and he watched the sky in amazement for about fifteen minutes before falling asleep. (In his defense it was his bedtime.) The vibrations, sound, and lights didn’t bother him at all, and he relaxed in my arms.

I had Cooper’s July Fourth outfit picked out for a week before, and within an hour of putting it on him he had a blowout. Somehow his shorts stayed clean. Cooper’s favorite activity right now is pooping out of his diaper. He did it a few times in his first two months, but not again until this week. He’s starting to go through more outfits a day than I do, and I’m getting into the habit of leaving him in just a diaper after I take his pajamas off in the morning. I wait to dress him until we’re about to leave. Just in case he decides to poop all over everything.


I’ve been a mom for a little over six months now, and my favorite part is watching the growth. Every day is something new with Cooper, and he’s constantly learning. If you blink, you can miss something exciting. Cooper is at the point where he can stay sitting up by himself, and without using his hands to hold himself up. He can sit and play with his toys with no help (which he loves doing). He reaches out in front of him to grab the toy he wants and brings it straight to his mouth.

What’s crazy about it is that last month he couldn’t do that. His brain and body are both getting smarter and stronger, and watching it happen is mesmerizing. He is literally a little human. It’s precious and satisfying. I get to teach him how to be a functioning person and help him figure out what to do and how to behave.

(Cooper just plopped over on to his stomach from a sitting position, cried for one second, and is now continuing to play with the toys around him.) Maybe I’m biased, but how cool is that? He is learning that he doesn’t need to cry, he didn’t hurt himself, and he can continue to do what he was doing before. Imagine the day when he can just sit right back up on his own, though.

The next step in Cooper’s mobile development is crawling and pulling himself up, and who knows when that day will be. He knows to put his legs under his body but has a hard time holding up his belly with his arms at the same time. He’ll get it, and I’ll be at a new level of stressed. But it’s all worth it! I’m SO EXCITED and I know that it starts a new chapter of mom-hood. I will officially no longer be able to let him out of my sight for a second. Cue baby-proofing the house, too.

At night he’s constantly rolling over and scooting around his crib until he falls asleep. (Which is hilarious to watch, by the way.) He tires himself out by visiting every corner and peeping through the slots in the front of the crib. The baby monitor has been compromised and now needs to be mounted to the wall. He discovered it one morning and thought it was a toy.

The laughing will never get old. His cute little giggle is very similar to Jack-Jack in The Incredibles. Actually, I’m pretty sure Jack-Jack and Cooper are twins. (Cooper hasn’t shown any signs of super powers yet, though.) He’s the happiest baby I’ve seen. I have people tell me that constantly, and it’s true. I don’t know if all my children will be like that, or if I was just gifted an angel the first time around. Fingers crossed for all my children being laid back.


Being a mom is more than rewarding. It’s a life-time of joy, warmth, and unconditional love. I have never felt the feelings I do towards Cooper; I feel like I have all new emotions. It’s truly a remarkable feeling giving birth, being responsible for a human being, and knowing that you are their whole world, too. I will always be grateful to God for my life, for my country, and especially for my little baby Cooper.

(Update: He’s taking more naps than usual… growth spurt coming?)


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